Trees of Hope

November 1 @ 8:00 am - December 31 @ 5:00 pm
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Make a gift in Honour or in Memory of a loved one, and your sentiment card will be placed on our Trees of Hope. All gifts received will help Haldimand War Memorial Hospital purchase a new CT Scanner. Your gifts – no matter the size – will help to ensure our friends and family receive the best possible care right here at home!

The most important uses of the CT scanner for a small community hospital like ours would be:

  • ED Traumas to quickly determine internal injuries
  • Cancer Screening and cancer follow up
  • Fracture assessments when they are too subtle to see on an x-ray
  • Pulmonary Embolism studies to assess urgent treatment issue
  • Head trauma brain bleeds or signs of acute stroke

There have been over 10,000 scans at HWMH in the last 2 years, which is the only CT Scanner in Haldimand County.  A new CT Scanner will mean better, more accurate diagnoses, as well as faster turnaround times on tests and procedures.

With your help, we can fill this critical need for the 48,000 people who call Haldimand home.

Make a Gift Today

Thank you to our incredible donors:




Wichert & Iena Aalbers

Peggy Acland
In memory of John Acland, Laura & Web Brennan, Gordon & Lillian Acland, Harold Smith, Fred Letterman

Angela, Chris & Adam Addison
In memory of Guy Owen Addison. Loving husband and father, greatly missed

William & Andrea Aikens
In memory of Ann Lewis and Geraldine Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Akins

Margaret Aldridge
In honour of Healthcare Staff

Nadhim & Maria Al-Hillal
In memory of our parents Nadhim Al-Hillal, Maria Al-Hillal, Van Dijen

Marianne Allemang
In memory of Nick Keyzer, Marie Keyzer, Klaver Hildebrand Keyzer

Dennis & Ella Allen
In memory of John Allen, Marinus Baan, and Willemina Baan

Robert & Joan Anderson
In memory of loved ones

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
In memory of Bob Arnold & Neil Arnold

Barbara Asher
In memory of George & Donna Asher, William & Erie Asher, Merl & Gladys Keeley, and Zachary Asher

William & Mabel Aspden

Laurie Awde
In memory of Mom & Dad, Dave & Shirley Hughes


Mr. & Mrs. Baago

Patricia Baago
In honour of Kathy McIlwaine

Andrew Baatnes
In memory of James Baatnes

Shirley Baatnes
In memory of Jim Baatnes

Dale & Jeannette Backus
In memory of Jim Backus & Marilyn Swarts

Judie Bain
In memory of Jean & Shiney Williams

William & Joan Baker

Valerie Barnard
In memory of Roy & Lorraine Barnard

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barnett
In memory of the best neighbour, Georgina Wilson

Robert & Janice Barrick
In memory of our parents Gerald & Gert Barrick, Clarence & Bernie Overholt

Shirley Barrow
In memory of John Douglas Barrow, David Tedder, Henrietta Tedder, Paulin Denton and Sonya

Donald Barry

Laura Barton
In memory of Valerie Anne Barton

Alice Bassindale
In memory of Harold Bassindale

William & Zena Bassingthwaite
In memory of our parents, Raymond & Edna Bassingthwaite
and Bertram & Hilda Smith

Jane Battle
In memory of Walter Battle, Jane Battle, Bill Battle, George Battle, and Don Battle

Linda Battle
In memory of all my family and friends who left us all too soon

Howard & Carole Beamer
In memory of our parents, Carl & Ethel Woods, and dear friends Charlotte Langkamer & Larry DeGrace

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bell
In memory of George & Julia Stephen

John Bittman
In memory of Sylvia Bittman

Katherine Black

Nadia Bodnar
In memory of J&C, H&M, G&J

Bert & Nancy Boles
In memory of our parents, sisters & cousin Jim O’Dell

Norma Booker
In memory of Harold Booker & Roger Booker

Dr Roberta Borland – Cayuga Vet Clinic

Bernd & Hanne Borowski
In honour of all volunteers

Claude Boudreau
In memory of daughter, Tanya

Joanne Boudreau
In memory of Sonny Boudreau, Rob McKay, and Clinton Boyle

Larry Bowden
In memory of Jack & Lois Bowden

Dennis Boyko

Nancy Boyt
In memory of my husband Stan and in memory of my parents Del & Ellen Ionson, and my sister Joanne McGregor

Dan & Helen Brady
In memory of Bradley Ricker. Love Mom & Dad

Delfina & Maria Braico

Paul Brisley
In memory of Jimmy Baatnes

Gary Brown
In memory of deceased family members

Marilyn Brown
In memory of Bryon Brown

Vivian Brown

Catherine Brunskill
In memory of John T. Brunskill, Stan & Kay Kriter, and all other deceased family and friends

Darleen Bucsis
In memory of Mom & Dad, forever in my heart. Michael Bradley, always loved, never forgotten. Harry Bucsis, miss you more everyday

Edwin & Linda Bucsis
In memory of parents and siblings

Edward & MaryAnn Buma
For the Future of Dunnville

Josh & Alana Buma

Harold & Linda Bundy
In memory of Grant Nagel and Patricia Nagel

Grant & Martha Bunker
In memory of our parents Jelle & Tina de-Jong, and Fred & Mary Bunker

Wendy & Larry Butt
In memory of Betty, Hank and Dave Leslie

Sam & Ethel Byers


Humberto & Maria Cacilhas
In memory of Joe & Dina Avelar, Maria & Antonio Cacilhas, Joe Cacilhas, Manuel Cacilhas. Avelar & Cachilhas family

Donald & Catherine Cahill
In memory of Nora Smith

Canfield Women’s Institute

Brenda Cameron
In memory of Charles McKay
In loving memory of my dad and our grandpa. Love, Brenda, Blake and Wesley

Christina McKay
In loving memory of my husband, Charles McKay

Janet Carr

Dolores Carter

Lloyd Cass

Robert Caughell
In memory of Donald & Mary Caughell

Dana Caverly
In memory of Antonia McIntyre

Dorothy Chambers
In memory of Ray Chambers

Gary & Noreen Chambo

James & Gail Chapman
In memory of Morley & Janet Chapman, Lois Robbins, Gerald Thompson and all loved ones

John & Sherry Chapman
In memory of Janet & Morley Chapman

Marion Chapman

James Clark

Jean Clark
In memory of my parents Warren & Lena Clark. My brother Earl Clark

Edward Coates
In memory of Anne Coates

Beverley Comfort

Roger Cook

Brian & Catherine Cooper

John & Myrna Cooper
In memory of Joan Rutherford, Bess & Frank Pusey, and Reg & Joan Cooper

Bernie & Brenda Corbett
In memory of past family, relatives, friends, and neighbours

John & Mary Corbett
In memory of Lily & Reg Corbett, Joan & Reg Cooper

Ralph & Joan Corlis
In memory of Peter & Sally Laidlaw, Cecil & Irene Corlis, Charmaine Corlis & family members

David & Dana Cornelius
In memory of Uncle Sam Culp. Miss you.

Jean Cornell
In memory of George Cornell, Wesley Cornell, Katie McGowan

Lorna Couvillon
In loving memory of my husband, Ken

John & Donna Coverdale

Eleanor Gaye Craig

Ross & Mary Crown
In memory of loved ones

Calvin & Constance Crumb
In memory of Christine Elizabeth Crumb, Helen Marie Briggs Robins, Hugh Douglas Robins, Neal & Clara Crumb

Jim & Emma Crumb

Kathleen Culp
In loving memory of my husband, Rob Culp

Rena Culp

Henry & Beverley Czepek


Rick & Evelyn Dale

Rosemary Da Silva
In honour of the Prashaw Family

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dasselaar
In memory of Janny Kamstra, Harry Kamstra

Anne Davidson
To all the patients who will benefit from a new CT scanner

Donald & Barbara Davis

Don & Margaret Dawson

Harold & Ruth Dawson

John & Angela De Angelis
In honour of Dawn Turnbull

Guy & Bonnie Deavu
In memory of Jean & Ray Clarke and Edna & George Deavu

Dorothy Debassige

Ben & Anieta DeBoer

Louise DeCaire
In memory of Andrew DeCaire

Rosemary DeGrace
In memory of Larry DeGrace

Akke De Jong
In memory of Tjibbe De Jong

Isaac & Marie DeKlerk

Jim & Nelly Deklerk

Susan Deleeuw
In memory of my mother, Elizabeth Everets

Teresina Delry

Donald & Ruth Dennis
In memory of Dan, Jane & Lorne Wardell, Bruce & Lucy Stayzer, Earl & Jim Stengel, and Grace & Alphonse Nuxoll

Brenda DeRuiter
In memory of Herm DeRuiter. An incredible man, husband and father

Kirk & Deborah Dewar
In loving memory of Jim & Marietta Dewar

Gordon & Deanna Dickhout
In memory of our parents, George & Helen Dickhout, and Real & Anna May Desrochers

James Dickout
In memory of my parents, Stanley & Phyllis Dickout

Evan Dicy
In honour of Robert Dicy

Eugene Dinga
In honour of Cathy Girling

Paul Dinga and Sons Ltd.

Ron & Linda Disher
In memory of Oakley & Lois Disher

Eleanor Diwell
In memory of our parents & Aunt Sophie

Kerry & Susan Dolan

In loving memory of Michael Sutton, Cecil Dolan, Gary Dolan, Forever in our hearts.

Hugh & Jean Donaldson

Dortman Bros. Barn Equip Inc.

 Lois Douglas
In memory of Raymond Douglas and Katherine Wright

Anne & Harold Downey
In memory of Tom Downey, always in our hearts

Bill & Deb Downey
In memory of Fred & Mary Ricker

Lawrence & Linda Drebert

Florian & Janice Drouin

Anne Duliban
In honour of Eric Duliban

Dr. Daniel Dulmage

Mary Anna Dunlop
In memory of Dr. Peter Dunlop

Les Dutton
In memory of my wife, Marilyn Dutton who passed in the hospital
Feb 10/2023


Mr. & Mrs. Don Ecker
In memory of Theresa Jacob & John F Jacob

Dennis & Jane Eden

Daniel & Beverly Edge
In honour of all who are going through their cancer journey & wishes for the best outcome

Keith & Sandra Egger
Remembering with a heart full of love at Christmas
Dorothy Egger, Keith & Janet Shirton, Joanne, Jim, Uncle Lyle & Justin. Thanks for the memories

Richard Egger
In memory of Dorothy Egger

In memory of Art & Ethel Elder

William Elder

Al & Dar Elliott
In memory of Glenn Austin, Millie Austin, & Rick Austin

David Erskine & Marilyn Leslie

James Erskine
In memory of Catherine Erskine

 Dawne Eros


David & Patricia Factor
In memory of Peter & Vilma Funke

Allan & Patricia Fairman
In loving memory of our son Randy Douglas Fairman, family & friends

Carrie Farr
In memory of Roger & Amy Nadeau

Thelma Farr
In memory of Gracie Glaab

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Featherstone
In memory of Evelyne & Lorne, John, Carol, Don & Marg Featherstone, Jack & Marion Weaver, members of the Hazzard County Racing Team

Edward & Lorraine Feenstra

James & Sandra Ferguson

Marie Fess
In memory of all my friends & family

The Finnie Family
In loving memory of Bridget Finnie RN who served HWMH for many years

Blain Fisher
In memory of Dolly Fisher

Chris Fitchett
In honour of the VanderVlist Family

Valerie Fitzell
In memory of Bettyann Gibson

Lawrence & Julie Flatt
In memory of Betty Flatt

Francine Fleming

Mr. & Mrs. Fleming
In honour of the staff of our ER Dept

Annie Fletcher
In memory of Arthur Doane, Beatrice Doane, Blake Dashwood, Ron Dashwood, Beth Dashwood

Samuel Flintoft

Bernadette Forbes

David & Maureen Franklin
In memory of Aunt Bobbie
Love Rene and David Franklin

Wayne & Dorothy Freeman

Paul & Susan Fulsom
In memory of my parents

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fulsom
In honour of the staff at DHHF


Jean Garbas
In loving memory of John Garbas, Frank Grybas, Aldona Grybas, Daiva Grybas and Alfred Grybas

Paul & Hilly Gaskin

George Edward Georgian
In memory of George Georgian & Eileen Georgian

Elaine Gerrie
In memory of Lawrence Bruttocao, Rob Gerrie

Ruth Giese
In memory of Dorothy Jackson, Duke Jackson, Earl Giese

Phyllis Gifford

Norman Gill
In memory of Audrey Gill

Sandra Gill
In memory of John & Ruth Gill

Glenn & Dolly Gilmore

Mr. & Mrs. John Glaves
In memory of loved ones

Dean & Vonita Glenney

Harold & Norma Glenney
In honour of loved ones

Fred & Deborah Goit
In memory of loved ones

Judy Goron

Daniel & Geraldine Gracey
Jacob Jansema

Ernie Gracey

Roy & Dianne Graham
In memory of Mom

Gary & Marlene Grant
In memory of our relatives & friends who passed away in 2023

Charles & Linda Gray
In memory of John & Lillian Havens, John & Ruby Wingrove,
John & Ruth Havens, and Walter & Gladys Gray

Robert & Mary Gray
In memory of Beulah Honsberger, Lloyd Honsberger, Walter Gray, and Gladys Gray

Eleanor Greaves
In honour of all the hospital staff & volunteers

Michael & Catherine Green
In memory of Lyle Shirton

Larry Griffin

Pat Griffin

In memory of John Griffin

Linda Grimm

In memory of Dennis Grimm

Bill Gulla

Lois Gurzanski
In memory of Dalton & Jean Lyons


Marsha Haalstra
In memory of Anna Mae, Siebo, Paul Haalstra, Alice Valkema, Anne Hall, and Sandra Richardson

Rhonda Hajling
In memory of my precious son, Connor and my wonderful parents Bob & Tony Mazi. Missing you

Danny Hall
In memory of James E Hall, Julia H Hall, and Edward A Hall

Deborah Hamilton
In memory of Robert & Lois Hamilton
Miss you always

Glenn & Carolyn Hamilton
In honour of all family members

Joyce Hamilton
In memory of Milton Hamilton

Kathryn Hancock
In memory of Bailey Dawn Hancock & Don Hancock

Helen Hare
In memory of Lloyd Hare, Murray Hare, Ross & Audrey Kriter, Glen Caughell, Lorraine Caughell, Lois Yager & Don Sutor

Kenneth & Doris Hare

Donna Harkness
In memory of Janet Robb, Bobbie Rowe, Friends & Family

John Hart
In memory of Mildred Richert
In memory of Marg & John Hart Sr.

Donald & Lorraine Harvey
In memory of Robert Verhoeven, Irene Verhoeven, and Margaret Harvey

Arthur & Ann Hasznosy
In memory of Ray Washington and Hazel & Fred Pitman

Richard & Robin Haworth
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Brady

Richard & Sonia Heitman
In memory of Carlin L Heitman. March 5,1936 – April 25,1986

Tom & Pat Henderson
In memory of Tom Henderson Sr.

Highway Chapel
To God Be The Glory. Great Things He Hath Done.

Robert Hikida

Oliver & Vlasta Hlavenka

Mark & Joyce Hodge
In honour of all Nurses and Doctors

Janice Hoffman
In memory of Bill Hoffman

Carl & Karen Hofstede
In memory of Nick & Ann Hofstede, Nell Hofstede, & John Miller

Lynn Holland
In memory of

Millie Austin
Glenn Austin
Wayne Austin
Rick Austin – “Live to Ride, Ride to Live”
Cleveland Austin
Irene Dashwood
Ronald Dashwood
Doreen Dashwood
Stan Dashwood
John Broad
Joyce Holland
Ross Holland
Mary Louise Holland
Danny Baldwin
‘Hammer’   Jeremy Huber
Stephanie Lane (Huber) **missed so very much!

Christopher Hoover
In memory of my parents, Gordon & Wava Hoover

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hoover

Doreen Hoover
In loving memory of my parents, Mildred & Earl L Hoover. In loving memory of my grandparents, Julia & George Stadelmaier and Edith & Fred Hoover. In loving memory of my godparents, Floyd & Rosey Smelser & Mary Masters. Also deeply missed Anita Ujfalussy & Wilma (Ujfalussy) Radvinski.

Walter Hoover
In honour of Jordan Mattice, Braydon Mattice, and Maddie MacDonald

Sid & Jeannette Horinga
In memory of Jetse & Gretha Tiersma

George & Nadene Hornibrook
In memory of Grace & Bruce Currie, Blanche Hornibrook, Orlin Hornibrook

August & Patsy Hoto
In memory of Kay Dickout, Agnes Hoto & Gordon Hoto

William & Judith Hoto
In memory of Maurice & Susie Humpage

Byron & Donna House
In memory of Judith A Dell

Don & Joan Houser
In memory of Percy & Bernie Houser, Lloyd Hare, Murray Hare, Shirley Houser, and Kevin Houser

Gordon Houser
In memory of Marlene Houser, Bill & Joyce Houser, Dave & Jeannette Meadows, and Jerry Meadows

Wayne & Peggy Houser
In memory of our precious Declan, thought of with love every day Fuzzy & Grandma

John & Bonnie Huber
In memory of Fay & Muriel Messner, Kevin Messner, John & Joan Huber, Jeremy & Stephanie Huber

Bradley & Paige Huggins
In loving memory of my parents, Fred & Margy Allison

Katherine Huit
In memory of Richard Parker, Doreen Addison, Joanne Huntley, part of the Huit family

Mr. & Mrs. Hank Hultink
In honour of our grandchildren

Ray & Linda Hunsinger
In memory of Merril & Ruth Hunsinger

William Hurkmans

Andy Hyma & Debbie Thomas
In memory of Audrey Hyma & Floyd Thomas

Harvey & Deb Hyma
In memory of Bruce Myers, Audrey Hyma, Andy Hyma


Tom & Mona Inglis
In memory of John & Edith Meyer and Catherine & Peter Inglis

George & Carol Ivaniski
In memory of Gordon D Culver, Eileen G Culver, Linnie Culver, Wm Ivaniski, Stella Ivaniski


Wayne & Jean Jack
Audrey Jack, Leslie Jack, Al Hal, Ray & Elsie Havens

Theresa Jacob
In memory of John & Theresa Jacob

Hetty Jans

John & Nadine Jelsma
In memory of Dorothy May Grant, Edgewater Resident 2012-2019

Bonita Johnson

Louise Johnson
In memory of David Johnson and Clifford & Shauna Holden

Glen & Janet Johnston

Mary Lou Johnston
In memory of Col A L S Nash

Terry & Susan Johnston
In memory of Helen Lockhart

Garry & Joyce Jones
In memory of Mabel

Fred & Pat Jonke


Joanne Keen
In memory of Jake Deschiffart

John & Agnes Keen
In memory of John, Sandra & Marlene Keen

Arie & Patricia Keesmaat
Jamie Pickett

Sarah Keesmaat
In memory of Chris Keesmaat (1968 – 2022)

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelly
In memory of Dr. James Kelly

James & Arlene Kennedy
In memory of Joan Roy

Colette Kenny
In memory of Lyall Smith, Ruth Smith, Cameron Kenny, and Mary Kenny

Margaret Kielbowich
For all staff that serves at the Dunnville Hospital. Thank You.

Sharon Killins
In memory of Lyle Shirton

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Killins

Charles & Lynne King
In memory of Gordon & Hill King, George & Joyce Mudd, George & Bev Cowell, George & Bette Phillip, Peg Cowell, Angel & Jake and Rocky Bubbles

Mr. & Mrs. Roger King
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Vincent King 1988 – 1994

Thomas King
In memory of Doris King R.N., R. Bruce King, Stella King & Howard King

Jenny Kingsmill

Catherine Kiss
In loving memory of Frank Kiss Sr., my beloved husband

David & Darlene Kitchen
In memory of Aaron Kitchen & Leslie Pomeroy

Kurt & Elisabeth Klemme

Doug & Eileen Knox
In memory of Jessica & Harry Rohr

Annamarie Kollee

Helen Kovacs

Christine Kuckyt

Mary Kuhar
In memory of Louis Kuhar, Olivia Baracetti, Rico Baracetti, and David Baracetti

Hermina Kuiper
In memory of Evert Kuiper, my husband


Nancy Labuda & Shirley Harrington

Les & Lois Lambert
In memory of our parents, James & Marg Downey and Ken & Marie Lambert. All our love

Ronald & Dora Lambert
In honour of all the Nurses & Doctors of this hospital

Mr. & Mrs. John Lane

Mildred Lane
In memory of Donald Lane and my sister, June Stollar

Pete & Marlene Langeraap
In memory of D & S Langeraap, S & M Huffman

Rick & Diana Langeraap

Melvin Langkamer
In memory of my wife, Charlotte and all my friends and family

Catherine Lanteigne

Dave Larmour
In memory of Larmour and Moorman Families

Rosemary Lastovic
In memory of our daughter, Marjorie Rosi-Lastovic

Wojciech & April Latowiec

Terrence & Patricia Law
In memory of Patrick Donnelly, Sally Law. Love Susie & Terry

Wayne Lee
In memory of my son, Bernie Lee

Wayne & Angie Lee
In memory of Rhoda & Murray Matthews and Terry & Albion Lee

Arthur & Jean Leech

Ken & Arlene Leech
In memory of Fred & Irma Cavers and Clara Cavers

Charlotte Leeds
In memory of Vic & Helen Leeds

Dr. Marilyn Lee-Own
In memory of Fleur Elizabeth Barclay

Fred & Jenneke Leeuwenburg

Carol Leggett
In memory of Gordon Leggett

Marion Leggett
In memory of Willfred Leggett

Megan Lever
In loving memory of my Grandma, Leila Fitchie

Lorraine Liegler
In memory of my dear husband, Leo Liegler

Kalju & Florence Lilleste
In memory of Thelma

Steve Lilley
In memory of Albert Scott Lilley, Beatrice Anna Lilley

Koert & Tina Linde

Larry Link
In honour of Dr. Barnard & Dr. Marbina

Linda Link
In memory of Mildred Richert and my sister, Sandy Fuller

Ron & Marlene Link
In memory and honour of all our loved ones

Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Lint
In memory of Steve Hyatt, Jeff Dodgson, Kevin Mustard, Jake (Gary) Stallwood, Mama Gale, Brian Dougherty, and Kevin Messner

Jean Lint
In memory of Sheldon Lint, Dwight Lint, and Blanche Hornibrook

Gordon Little
In memory of Nina Little & Sharon Little

Gianni Lolato

Anne E. Long

Margaret Long
In memory of Donald Long, Sherry Long, and Bill Brunten

James & Wilma Louks
In memory of Grandson Jason Louks 1983 – 1993

Clare & Donna Lusk

Bernadine Lutes
In memory of William “Bill” Lutes

James Lyddiatt
In honour of Fran & Greg Dutcher

Benson & Patricia Lymburner


Dennis MacDonald
In memory of my wife, Ruth and my grandson, Constable Joe Mellen

Liz MacDonald & Susan Vail
In memory of Donald & Margery Vail

Alan & Catherine MacKenzie

Juanita Maclean

Roderick & Marilou MacPherson
In honour of Dr. Bernard, Carol, Dr. Marbanai, & all staff at DHHF

Lisa Madill

Shelley Foster Madill
In loving memory of our dad. We miss him so much. In memory of Gary Foster

Eunice Mageran

Joe & Linda Maggio
In memory of William Biddle. Wonderful man & talented artist whom we have been a fan of for years

Dave Mallory
In memory of Shaun and Sandra

Dave & Geraldine Mallory

Mary Markowitz
In memory of Victor Markowitz

Lyle & Maureen Marshall

Paul & Dana Martin

John & Eleanor Masecar

Marilyn Mast
In honour of the staff at DHHF

Emrick & Doreen Mazi
In memory of Judy Busse, Evelyn Coyne, Anna Mazi

Amanda McAlonan
In memory of my parents, Kevin and Barb McAlonan

William & Margaret McFarlane
In honour of the ER doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners, always glad to help

William & Sylvia Mcgee

Robert McHenry

Patrick McHugh

Ronald & Dian McIntee

Edna McKay
In memory of Russell McKay Jr, Arthur Grace Tamplin, Hartford & Amanda Foster, Russell McKay Sr

Gerald & Marion McKenzie

Diane & Randy McKune
In honour of all the Employees and Volunteers at HWMH

Mrs. McPherson
In memory of Ralph McPherson

Shirley Meadows
In memory of Sherry Lang, Carol Meadows, Sylvia Bittman

Brian & Linda Mellen
In memory of our parents, Grant & Helen Temple, Joe Mellen, and Ruth McDonald
In memory of Clare & Dorothy Kindy 
In honour of our son, Jeff and daughter-in-law, Ashley Mellen, daughter Heather, and son in law Dan Egerter
In honour of our grandchildren Mavis, Chloe and Abby Mellen, and Henry Egerter

Sherrie Miceli
Emerson, Falcioni, Miceli Families

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Middleton
In memory of Bettyann & Ron Crockett

John & Georgina Milkovic
In honour of all the staff of the Dunnville Hospital

Bob Millard

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Miller
In honour of our grandchildren Kendra Miller, Dillan Ellison, Camden Thompson, Jordan Thompson. In memory of Dalton & Jean Lyons, Robert & Marj Miller, Eleanor Proctor

Barb Millett
In memory of Larry Millett

Tim & Susan Milligan
In memory of Audrey Milligan

John & Marilyn Mills
In memory of loved ones

Shirley & Shaun Milo
In memory of Steve

Daniel & Jeanette Minor
In memory of Judith (Minor) Rothermund, Daniel Minor (grandson & nephew)

Wayne & Margaret Minor

Wray & Dorothy Minor
In honour of all Hospital Care Workers

Andrew & Sandra Mitchell

Mark & Marg Moesker
In memory of the Moesker family

Robin Moffatt
In memory of Wildred Barry and Valeria Joyce Barrey

David & Jasmine Moody
In memory of W.D. Moody

Ruby Moore
In memory of Lillian

Sharon Moore
In memory of Mom & Dad(Jean & Bill Moore),brothers Steve Moore (Feb 21/56-Jan 4/22),Dave Moore (Jan 26/50-March30/22), Aunt Mae Legere/ Uncle Ken Legere, Uncle Gordon, Aunt Wilma, Aunt Audrey

Gerald Morningstar
In memory of my loving wife Cheryle Morningstar

Donna Mulder
In honour of South Cayuga Community Church “Joyful Noise” Choir

Walter Mueller
For Light & Life

Allan Mullin
In memory of my dear wife Jeanette

Patrick & Joy Mullins
In memory of Pat Crumb & Dale Murphy

Susan Mummery
In honour of Susan Mummery & Gerald Nagel

Carol Murphy
In memory of Mom & Dad, sister & brother

Ken & Marilyn Murphy
In memory of Ray Chambers

Monroe & Shirley Murphy
In memory of loved ones

Sandra Murphy
In memory of Jack Murphy

Andreas & Barbara Mynlieff


Gerald & Carol Nagel
In memory of Nagel, Ricker & Keely family members

Larry Nagel
In memory of Rehna Nagel and Mark Nagel

Uta Natte
In memory of Kurt & Annita Spiller, Torste & Heike Spiller, Gerrit & Ecca Natte, Marguerite Lucas, Mike Dubbeld

Wayne & Sharon Neal

Angela Nixon
In memory of Barry Huit. Love, the family

Donna & Ken Noseworthy
In memory of Beatrice Way

Wayne Nyomtato


Darlene O’Crawford & family

In memory of Grace & Russell Smith

Helen O’Hagan

In memory of all who have received care at DWMH

Timothy Orlik

Wynifred Overend
In memory of my husband, Glen Overend


Lyle Packham
In memory of Hetty Jongeling

Dave Parker
In memory of Sydney Parker, Margaret Parker, Brian Parker, Norm Parker

Marcia Passmore
In memory of Bob Passmore

Daniel Paterson
To honour the memory of my mother, Doreen Paterson

Ralph & Shirley Paterson
In memory of Doreen Paterson, Dorothy Hall, Geoffrey Green

Thomas & Diane Peart
Ross & Joyce Holland

Dr. Bob & Elaine Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Pedro Douglas Pew
In memory of Phil. Still miss you

Norman & Gloria Pew
In honour of all the staff at HWMH who continue to take good care of us.

Jim Phibbs

Larry Phibbs
In memory of Julie Jurik. Love Mom & Dad

Kim Philpott

Joyce Pickering

Pielechaty Farms
In memory of Peter & Shirley Pielechaty

Laura & Linda Pielechaty & Peter & Shirley Pielechaty

In memory of Martin Smith, Dorothy Amelia Smith

Susan & Giles Pielechaty

Earl & Eleanor Piette

Harmel & Antonia Pitre

In memory of our son Dallas

Brenda Pittaway
In memory of Gloria, Marlene, Donna, Margaret and Gary

Linda Enns-Pitts
In memory of my loving husband, Danny

Brian Powell

Paul Prest & Prest Family

Glenn Pyle



Daniel Raby

Marion & Richard Rahm
In memory of Jane Brouwer & James Wassenaar

Jack Ranger
In memory of Sharon Ranger

Liwayway Ramos
In memory of Peter Archibald MacDougall

Donna Real
In memory of Beverley & Helen Merritt

Catherine Reichheld
In memory of Ken & Muriel Heatherton, Jim, Joanne, Michael, & Shawn. Miss you dearly.

Rodney Reichheld
In memory of Helen & Harry Reichheld

Thomas & Janet Reilly
In memory of Dad, Mary, Peter, Tullio & Dennis

Andy & Janelle Richardson
In honour of my parents Davin & Joan Fulsom, Grant & Dorothy Richardson & Jen Lint

Edna Richardson
In loving memory of Keith Richardson
In memory of our parents, Cameron & Tena Richardson and Bertha & Bill Passingham

Grant & Dorothy Richardson
In memory of Alex Lint

Jason & Denise Richardson
In memory of my dad, Bruce Shirton

Harry & Betty Richert
In memory of Arthur & Elsie Richert

Erven & Linda Ricker
In memory of William & Reta Hamilton, and George Bridgett

Sharon Rigby
In loving memory of family and friends

Martin & Kit Riley
In memory of Dan Hancock

Dorothy Rittenhouse
In memory of William Rittenhouse

Glenn Robertson

Murray & Phyllis Robins
In memory of our daughter, Tracy Lynn Robins and our parents, Cliff & Helen Robins

Elizabeth Roddy
In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roddy Sr.

George & Ruth Rogers

Raymond & Marilyn Rohrbach

Mrs. Yola Rose
In memory of Harold Rose

Jack & Cathy Roseboom
In memory of our loved ones gone

Robert Ross

William & Catherine Rounce

Robert & Gaile Rowe

Royal Arch Masons of Canada

Carl & Tammy Ruigrok
In memory of Frank, Neil & Theresa Ruigrok & Bill Cranston, Family and Friends. “May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter”

John Russell & Constance McKay

Daniel & Ruth Rykse
In memory of our gparents

Karen Rylands
In memory of Averelle Rylands

John & Linda Rynberk
In memory of Theodore Drenth


Keith & Darlene Sabo
In memory of Leonard Sabo

Victor Samuel
Victor Samuel, Ryan Samuel, and Sabrina Samuel

Mary Saufferer
In memory of Floyd Tapp and John Horvat

Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Sasse

Lynne Scace
In honour of Wes

  1. Scallan & J. Smith Medicine Proff Corp.

Cheryl Scalzo
In memory of Jonn S, Ron P, Lynn L, Hut L.

SCCC United Church Women

Cathy Scott
With thanks and gratitude for your service to our community

Peggy Schaeffer
In honour of granddaughters Eloise, Isa, & Emmaline Harris
xoxox Gramma Peggy Schaeffer

Andrew & Elizabeth Schilstra
In honour of all our family and friends

Lawrence & Karen Schilstra

Richard & Julie Schilstra

Tyler & Rachel Schmalz
In loving memory of Justin Weikman

Barry Schram
In memory of Albert & Alice Schram

James & Mary Schuit
In memory of Jack & Rosemary Cotter, John & Jacoba Schuit

Melissa Schultz
In memory of May Passmore

Marie Schweyer
In memory of Gerald Schweyer

Rodney & Darlene Schweyer
In memory of Manford Schweyer & Geraldine Schweyer

Ronald & Donna Schweyer
In honour of all staff, doctors, and all nurses at all Hospitals
In memory of friends and family
God Bless to everyone

Cathy Scott
With thanks and gratitude for your service to our community

Dale & Phyllis Sensabaugh
In memory of Donald & Mary Caughell and George & Beulah Sensabaugh

Jill Shea

Ira Sherk
In memory of Connie Sherk

Kenneth Sherwood

Tom & Loretta Shields

Shirley Shipperbottom
In memory of Bruce & Ed Shipperbottom

Velma Shirton
In memory of Bruce Shirton. Love, Velma

Larry Shurr

Nancy & Wayne Siddall
In memory of our son, Timmy Siddall

Irene Sider

Jerry & Dianne Siderius

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Siemens

Bernice Simpson
In memory of late mother and daughter

George & Joan Sitak
In honour of David – son in law, Kathy – Daughter, and Elliot – grandchild Pickard

George Sitter

Anthony Smagata
In memory of Mary Gandozer

Mike Smallwood

Bruce & Marylynne Smelser
In memory of Lyle Shirton

Roy Smelser
In memory of Ralph Smelser

James & Eileen Smith

Lorane Smith
In honour & memory of Charles Smith

Sandra Smith
In memory of Gordon R Smith, Angus & Thelma McNeil, Robert McNeil, & Sally (McNeil) Dunn

Patricia Snively
In memory of Leslie Franklin Snively, LeRoy Gordon Snively, Leslie LeRoy Snively, & Cheryl Patricia Snively

Bob & Betty Sorge
In memory of Lorne Sorge

David Sorge, Chris, Leanne & family
In memory of Gail Sorge. Still loved & still missed

Carole Sorge
In memory of loved ones

Michael South
In memory of Bonnie South

Dennis & Kathy Souter

South Cayuga Baptist Church

Clayton & Helen Spears

Beverly Stanley
In memory of Gordon Stanley, Bea & Alfred Stanley, and Barb King

Alma Stevenson-Francis
In memory of my loving husband Fred. Thank you for the care my husband got.

Beverley Stevenson

Fred & Carol Stretton
In memory of Bob & Ruth Stretton

David & Sherry Stinson
In memory of my beautiful cousin, Elsie-May. RIP – Miss you.

Lynne Stouck

Evelyn Summerfield
In memory of Charles Summerfield

Pat Sutherland
In memory of Elizabeth & Sam Liggins. Love always, Pat

Clarence & Gail Sutor
In memory of Ray Chambers

Evelyn Suitor-Appel
In memory of Lawrence Suitor

Joseph Svoljsak

Mr. Swarts
In memory of Walt & Carol Hoover

Stanley & Sharlain Swayze
In memory of our granddaughter, Amanda

Sharon Sykes
In memory of Jack Sykes


David & Theresa Tamborine

Ethel Tapp
In memory of my husband, Earl Floyd Tapp. Missed by your loving wife

David & Claire Tarrant

Michael Taylor
In memory of Frances Taylor
Thanks to HWMH

Jacobus & Mary Termorshuizen

Linda Thompson
In memory of my son, Jeffrey Thompson

Peter & Helen Tiersma
In memory of Anthony Tiersma

Bruce & Sarah Tilstra

Don & Jeanette Tilstra

Ted & Karen Tilstra

Gerald & Marianne Tinney
In memory of our parents, Donald & Dorothy Robinson and Garnett & Catherine Tinney

Janis Todd
In memory of Allan G Todd

Edward & Sylvia Tomlinson

Linda Toner
Glen & Stella Toner

Alvin & Robin Topp
In memory of loved ones

Fred & Judy Topp
In memory of George & Elaine Topp

Irvine & Marion Topp

TOPS ON 1288

Brenda Towle
In memory of Gordon Armour, Blossom Armour, Kerry Armour, and William Towle

Doug Townson
In memory of those no longer with us.
In memory of Robt. & Dorothy Archer an d  Ralph & Doris Townson

Jane Treleaven


Magdalena Uloth

Dragan Urosevic


Robert Vail
In memory of Margery & Donald Vail

Wayne & Helen Vallee
In memory of our parents, and Gene

Audrey VanderHeide

John Vanderhoeven

John VanderStelt
In memory of Joe & Anne VanderStelt

Jeff Vanderveen

Martin & Ethel Vandervlist
In memory of Tony & Lizabeth & Annalies Vandervlist

Anthony VanHell
In memory of Scott Haalstra

Andy & Roberta Vankralingen

James & Penny VanKuren
In memory of Bud & Phyllis Sutton, Lorne, Jessie, Ronald VanKuren and families
In memory of Gladys & Donald Carter and families

Dorothy Van Osch
In honour of all the hard-working staff & volunteers

Ted Vanwyk

Charles & Julyane Veldhuis
Thank you to all the staff at the Dunnville Hospital

Chris Verleun
In loving memory of Heather

Joanne Villeneuve
Family of George Hines

Nancy Voakes
In memory of Wayne & Lina Voakes, Hazel, Harley, John and Tom McIntee

Helen Vollick
In memory of Kenneth Vollick. Passed away Feb 7/23

Arjan & Sheri Vos


Brian & Marian Walker
In memory of Bonnie Earl

Bruce Wallace
In honour of Noriene

Joyce Wallace
In honour of the entire Emergency Staff & team. Great care for a 60 yr old cottager of Dunnville

Rena Walton
In memory of Jack Hoffman son, Lisa Hoffman Millard daughter

Barbara Washington

Laura Mae Webb
In memory of Jack & Betty Vollick, Ken Vollick, William Webb, and Betty Webb

Patricia Webb

David Welch

Rose Marie Werger
In memory of my husband, Joseph Werger

Henry & Rennie Westerveld

Melodie Wettlaufer
In memory of Earle Wettlaufer

Doug & Linda Weylie
In memory of my parents, Dr. D Ralph & Evelyn Weylie

Everett & Grace Weylie

Mr. & Mrs. Weylie
In memory of Dr. Ralph & Evelyn Weylie

Robert & Shirley Wickett
In memory of the VanKuren Family

Randy & Manuela Wiebe

Wendy Willis
In memory of Rev Doug Willis. In honour of M. Joan Willis

Mike & Deborah Wills
In memory of Lawrence & Ruth Wills, Howard & Lois Elliott, John Wills, and Brian Elliott

Beulah Wilson
In memory of my daughter Barb McAlonan, my son-in-law Kevin McAlonan, and my good friend Dave Janes

Beverly Wilson
In memory of my husband, Doug Wilson and my grandparents, Bruce & Grace King

James & Kristen Winkworth
In honour of all the caring and dedicated ER nurses, doctors and clerks. Thank you!

Joan Winkworth

Owen & Carol Wohlsclagel
In memory of brothers & sister Harold Minor, Frank Minor, and Nettie Emerson

Agnes Wolters
In memory of Leonard Wolters

George & Diane Woodham

Laurie Woolner
In memory of Donald & Isabelle Booker and Roy & Phyllis Woolner

Alfred Wright



Betty Young
In memory of George Young

William & Sieny Ytsma


Ken & Nancy Zantingh

Mrs. Willy Zantingh

Charles & Catherine Zdunich

Dave & Deborah Zintel

Elizabeth Zwierschke
Steve, Elizabeth, Joseph & Susan

Brenda Zynomirski

Don Zynomirski
In honour of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zynomirski and Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bak

Sandra Zynomirski


November 1 @ 8:00 am
December 31 @ 5:00 pm
Event Category: